Yesterday, during Body Pump class, my favourite instructress announced we had two weeks to get a 6 pack, cos she was leaving for Hong Kong to teach there. I was thinking to myself, as I was doing those painful abdominals, WHO NEEDS A 6 PACK WHEN YOU HAVE A BARREL???
Abdominals, or sit ups, have changed drastically over the years. When I was a boy, sit ups used to be literally THAT!!! Sit up. We lie flat and try to sit up. Then over the years, it evolved, whereby our knees are propped up, (how to describe ah), but we still sit up. Years later, it turns out that both those method are disastrous for the back, (which explains my constant need for massage these days, of the lower back), and if you want to scrunch up your knees, and completely sit up, you've to do it on an incline. Anyway, my point being, exercises are always evolving. Should we risk doing it now, until they've perfected the art? Who knows WHAT further damage could result by doing the crunches of today.

In fact, I heard that crunches and sit ups do NOT actually reduce your tummy. If you've a big belly, and you dont lose it before embarking on a crunchy regime, you'll end up with a BIG TONED TUMMY. So how?

People ( i dont know who exactly) who read this blog would think, gee, what's he on about. All he talks about is food, how does he expect to lose it. In reality, I have the metabolism of a dead snail. Of course I have a whole theory spawned as to how that happened, but I'll leave that for another day, when I get my next blogger's block. Jackie Chan said (in the opening of California Fitness), that you can eat anything as long as you do 30 minutes cardio work 3 times a week. YEAH, 30 minutes my sweet ass. Maybe if you're Karen Carpenter, that might work.


shades said…
the instructor... is she Lisa Jones?
fatboybakes said…
yup, she shore is. Lisa lah. dunno if its jones. R u an instructor at fitness first too then?
shades said…

I do BP and RPM at MJH on Fridays..
Chipmunkrock said…
how about joining the marathon with me? :) (running marathon i mean..)
fatboybakes said…
hey shades, when you say you do BP and RPM, you mean you teach??? well, the only person doing that THIS week in JH is alvin looi....whom i dunno actually.
fatboybakes said…
chipmunkrock, these old bones cannot take a full marathon lah. quarter maybe can.
shades said…
yes, that's me:P
fatboybakes said…
oh, why are all the instructors either alvin, calvin, or kelvin??? is that a prerequisite?
have been meaning to attend your body combat class, when you replaced alvin phey, but aiya, friday at that hour is too late.

AND HOWWWWWW can a BP, BC and RPM instructor be SHY???? pleeez lah.
shades said…
just a coincidence kua...
u can try my pump on Friday, though I'm quite new with pump.

For combat, I teach at axis on Tues at 6.20pm...
fatboybakes said…
aiyo, mr shades, i got no passport, so cant roam around to axis etc. i'll see you at pump on friday at MJH lah.
shades said…

Just don't expect Lisa-ish BP... I'm new at this k? :)
fatboybakes said…
yar, lisa is good, but dun worry lar, i wont cast you murderous glances if you arent as good as her. i usually go for peter's class on friday, but i'll check yours out this fri. is it very crowded? classes at that hour are usually like a refugee boat.

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