Happy September All

I am not in the office these few days, I'm at the Marriott. Involved in this supergroup thing. Harumph. I am not amused. Today, we were supposed to introduce ourselves, in this ice breaker thingie. You had to tell 2 lies, and 1 truth about yourself, and let the rest guess which was the fakie.
My 3 facts WERE:
1. I am a part time model for this line of clothing for overweight boys; the male version of Ms Read.
2. I go to the gym nearly 6 times a week
3. I was in the Malaysian Army, rank of lieutenant.

AITELLLYU, no one even doubted for a moment that # 1 was FALSE!!!! Well, for your info, no ONE is FALSE as FALSE can be. there IS no male version of Ms Read, not yet anyways. Snort. Grunt. Oink.

Nice to know that my body pump instructor has shaved his armpits. Didn't really need to know that.

Anyway, I had an insight into the life of a Tai Tai, on Merdeka Day. I am one of those that can't just take a day off to lepak. There is usually some string of activity, like an outstation trip, or some party, or something. So, it was quite a pleasant change; my schedule on Wednesday, Merdeka Day, was something like this:

9.30 - Wake up, after 7 whiskies at la bodega lounge last night. Surprisingly, no real hangover. Must be the watered down portions. Luckily I had my hip flask with me, to top up and make it WHISKY KAU.

10.00 - Bring kids for roti canai down the road. Wondering if should go for body pump at 10.30, then decided still too much residual alcohol in system, and might drop weights and faint. I always have this fear that the weights will roll and crash in the rear glass panels, and fall down to the gym below, crushing a hot chick's toe.

10.45 - Getting restless. Can't access blog, so decide must go for body combat at 11.45am.

11.20 - Head for gym; surprisingly the body pump class was FULL. don't these people have a life!!! Get ready for combat, perfunctory warm up, pee many times, coz of the coffee in the morning.

11.45-12.45 - Body combat. You can tell who's been to too many classes, when they can tell the instructor the next move when he's forgotten it. Another instructress sitting outside rushes to the studio door to assist the hapless chap with his forgotten choreography.

12.45-1.00 pm - Shower, 2nd shit of the day, etc.

1.15pm - Lunch. 1 hour body combat undone in 15 minutes. Parents tah pau-ed orgasmic nam heong kai fan from Jln Sultan. Chilli to die for. Fatty chicken rice to die for too. Oh well, it's a public holiday, what the heck.

2.00pm - Decided better walk it out a bit, so head for Hartamas shopping centre, with only one kid in tow. The other two older ones mmm how ah. Walk around for 1½ hours. The signage in parking lot was atrocious. Ended up climbing 3 unnecessary flights of stairs, only to find ourselves on the upper most floor of the shopping centre. Duhhh. Rating of Shopping Centre : 2/10

3.30pm - Nap like a Tai Tai

5.00pm - Aiyo..... the rest of the day is a blank. Oh, went to Ikano after dinner.

So, that's basically how tai tais spend there days wat. Eat, Gym, Eat, Sleep, Shop. I also can do.

Oh, I don't mean to sound self satisfied, or smug, but MUST blog this. Some members of our cell group decided to do the right thing, and decided to cook lunch and visit the kids in this home for handicapped children. They were to entertain the kids, sing, play, etc. Me, I can't say I'm very good at such things. But, I did feel some guilt to know my fellow comrades were doing something noble on a public holiday (when all i had planned was body combat and nap), SO, i voluntereed to bake muffins. After volunteering, I asked how many kids were there. I thought aiya, maximum 30 or 40 right. 132 wor!!! Ack!!!! Oh well, my word is my bond, so most of tuesday night, before scooting off to la bodega lounge for drinks, was spent slaving over the oven. It was rewarding though. 12 trays of 12 muffins make 144, so that was the total number that was produced in what might be my first attempt at mass production. But, word has it that the kids didn't eat any of the lunch that was cooked for them, coz the food was err....inappropriate. As in, healthy sandwiches and stuff. And, they weren't allowed to serve the muffins till tea time, by which time my cell members had oridi left. So, we'll never know for sure what happened to them muffins. Anyway, I blog this for Calpurnia, who sms-ed me to ask how the muffining went.

I am stuck with 1½ kg of chocolate chip; overestimated the amount needed. As it is, there was more choc chip than muffin in my muffins. I hope the kids liked the chocolate. God bless you all, kiddos.

So, anyone wants chocolate chips, give me a shout. Made a batch of choc chip cookies for the son today, since he declared that "my food is the best in the world". How we wish to hear those words once they've grown up and explored the world. We'll be lucky to hear any compliment from them at all when they're grown; sigh.

Will be at the Marriott again all day tomorrow, hence, don't expect any emails from me. Hope to be at Body Pump AND Body Combat tomorrow night.

Have a splendid weekend.


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