I Always Thought Ejaculate Meant ............

A friend of mine, (I always assumed he was a MENSA member, coz he strikes me as err...quite smart, since he's always regurgitating these obscure facts that we have long forgotten since our school days and of course was one of those who had no problems reciting newton's laws, and remembers the fractional value of Pi, etc etc) recently pointed out that Archimedes ejaculated in his bathtub. Now apparently, the word ejaculate also means,
e·jac·u·late ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-jky-lt)v. e·jac·u·lat·ed, e·jac·u·lat·ing, e·jac·u·lates v. tr.
To utter suddenly and passionately; exclaim.

So it doesn't necessarily have to do with the sudden rush of a baby making fluid. What an epiphany.

The weekend was one of those hectic hectic ones. From the time the imaginary school bell rang, (to signify work's over for Friday, and the weekend is beginning), it was go go go. Body pump at 4.45pm, (couldn't go for the regular 6.45pm slot since had to go for MPO), MPO at night, which was "One AM and Safety Last". It was actually the music from a Charlie Chaplin and Harold Lloyd show; so it was very entertaining. There was a screen, and they screened the black and white movies with the orchestra playing in the background. I've never really sat through an entire Chaplin or Lloyd movie; I suspect the latter is more recent, and I found Chaplin a tad idiotic, a medieval version of Mr Bean; almost depressing. But Harold Lloyd was very good. It was an enjoyable show on the whole. After that, I had to adjourn to a friend's house for a birthday celebration, finally got to bed at 2am.

Saturday morning, the usual coffee shop routine with the kids. Then popped two cakes into the oven, (for a friend's farewell on Sunday), went for body combat at 11.30am, and after lunch, continued making the filling for the tiramisu. Caramelising nuts is SUCH tedious work. Waiting for sugar to melt is certainly longer than waiting for water to boil. And, it's like a difficult lady; has to be watched and tended over all the time. Rushed of for a massage after that, and emerged with an emil chau song stuck in my head, as an earworm. (had to call good friend Tony, chinese song afficianado to identify the song). Apparently its his famous Ai Xiang Sui. (Love flows). After massage, had to put finishing touches to the cake, and ice the rest of it. Mascarporne cheese is like a woman with make up; has to be handled in cool temperature, or it becomes all runny. Rushed of to a colleague's sister's wedding dinner at Royal China; the highlight was the karaoke rendition of My Heart Will Go On, which nearly made My Heart Stop. Dying cats could have created more harmony. The food wasn't bad, and in fact, the fried rice was superb. Anyway, they had 6 or 7 crates of Matthew Lang Cabernet Savignon leftover, and are looking to dispose of it at RM22 per bottle, (retailing at RM30) so if you are planning a wedding soon, and want 6 cases, (6x12 = 72 bottles), gimme a shout. Oh, managed to finish the last two episodes of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES before bed.

Sunday - Had to deliver the cakes at 7.45am, (Tiramisu, and Lemon Pistachio) to another friend's house, as we had to be in church all morning, and would be late for the farewell luncheon; forgot my handphone, so after dropping the musician off at church, for rehearsal, headed back home to collect handphone. Got there a bit late for rehearsal, but twas okay. Service ended at 1.00pm; had to make announcements to recruit choir members for Xmas cantata; first time I've had to make announcements at a church service. Although I have spoken at TWENTY FIVE weddings, it's different when there is no yam seng to follow....

The farewell luncheon, for these dear friends of ours, was an enjoyable affair; good food, good company; then in the evening, feeling guilty that we hadn't seen the kids all day, we brought them to the club for a swim. Wasn't intending on exercising, but felt soooo guilty, so did a token 500m swim; too distracting, coz kids kept jumping in and out of the big pool. Sunday dinner as usual. Phew, almost glad its Monday again.


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