Home Made Play Dough

For anyone who's interested. Play dough costs quite a fair bit to buy.
For approximately RM5, you can make enough play dough for your kids to play with till they're sick of it. Anyway, I was one of the volunteers to make play dough for our church's vacation bible school, so last night, I got around to doing it.

Basicall, in sequence, sift 3 cups flour, add 1½ cups salt, 3 cups water, 1 tbsp cream of tartar, (its a powder, not a sauce), 2 tbspn oil, and mix together in a pot, over low heat. When the dough gets thicker, it really becomes quite an effort to stir. But perservere until it is dryer, and doesn't stick to the sides of the pot.

Once it has reached the consistency of a pliable dough, you can add your food coloring, (or actually you can probably do this earlier), and dont panic if it forms blotches, of uneven coloring.
Pour out the whole lump onto a table top, and knead, until the coloring is all blended nicely. Tah dah.... PLAY DOUGH.


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