Quietness In the Blogosphere

It's eerily silent, since two of my normal links are out of blogging action the next few days. One is in Hong Kong, setting up house for her boy boy, who is working there, and the other one, is stuck in training for BODY ATTACK, the new group exercise that will be introduced in Fitness First soon.

Anyway, I volunteered to make 10 portions of play dough for my church's vacation bible school, which is next week. It's quite fun to make your own play dough, and cheap too, compared to buying em from toys r us. And the kids get such kicks out of seeing it made. To those who are interested, this is a good recipe to follow:

1 Portion of Home made Play Dough
1 cup flour ( 140 grams or 7 oz)
1/2 cup salt ( 100 grams or 4 oz)
2 tsp cream of tartar
1 cup water
2 tsp oil
1 tsp food colouring

(Probably wise to sift the flour and cream of tartar together. Cream of tartar is NOT tartare sauce for fish, it is a powder. Cream of Tartar + Bicarbonate Soda = Baking Powder)

Chuck in all in a pot over low heat, and mix together until it forms a ball (add in food coloring last). When its no longer too wet, scoop it all out and knead over a table top. It's a nice feeling, kneading that warm dough. Makes you feel young again.


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