Addiction Cured?

Hmm, I actually left a combat class yesterday immediately after the warm up, coz I was bored. Okay, there are a few factors. 1. It wasn't the usual instructor. 2. It wasn't the usual instructor. 3. It wasn't the usual instructor. Oh dear.....

I can see now why people need personal trainers. It really is QUITE DIFFICULT to motivate oneself when one has been demotivated from the onset, especially on those cold, impersonal machines. It was a dull gloomy day anyway. Did the usual cycle mill, but had I had a passport, I probably would have driven to another centre to catch another class (with favourite pump instructor teaching rpm). When it came to the weights, yawn, I was looking around already for people to chat with. Found my chat mate at the juice bar, so that was the end of the workout, all of 40 minutes. What a waste of time.

The other bad thing is, I heard the combat instructor answer a first timer, that you burn 300-400 calories per session. SHEEEESH, is that all???? Really potong steam aitelyu. Gawd, no wonder I'm still fatboy.

Aiming for body step today lunchtime.


Anonymous said…
well, guess the truth hurts... maybe you didn't put in enough energy to burn the calories ... O:) but then figure i guess is dependant on the body size and all... not sure what your body size is though... think positive! give it a chance! :)
fatboybakes said…
well, it certainly isnt me not putting enough energy. i was told by a different instructor before that it was at least 500 calories. give it a chance? allo, dunno who you are, but if you know me, you'd know that i've been doing body combat for 1½ years oridi leh. hyeeeeeeeeeeah, sooorrrrrrrrrrrrr....
fatboybakes said…
in my case, every part, but the parts that i'd really like to combat are the chin, and the tummy. the rest of the body is okay.
Mun said…
Among Body Combat, Balance, Pump or Jam, Body Combat is the one which I think burn the most calories. Heard Body Attack is better and one needs lots of stamina. Keep it up, man.
fatboybakes said…
wow, a comment from MR GYM SEE FOO himself. very honored, bow bow...
heh heh, yalar, amongst those four, definitely combat is most intensive. but i reckon body step and RPM are even better. hey, has body attacked been incorporated in to the regular schedule at TF, since the launch? a friend actually invited me, lucky i didnt go, since you said it was so crowded. will be going for the one at FF on 26th. should be great.
Yeah man! When a single plateful of kuey teow goreng also contains approx 460 calories.. Extra minyak and fried egg can easily tambah another 100.

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