Bye For Now, Gorgeous Woman

Usually words flow quite glibly from my tongue, or in this case, fingers. But I am actually at a loss as to what to say really. I guess I owe Shades a big thanks, for had it not been for him, I wouldn't have made your acquaintance, which really would have been my loss. It's different just admiring an instructor from afar, than actually getting to know somewhat better the heart and soul behind the body.

When I first saw your name on the notice board in 2004, (I was an infant member of FF then, and probably a foetus for GX classes), I was quite in awe, because you had been labelled something of a superhero.....(wonder woman, you said). My first memory of you was when the thursday combat instructor was under evaluation, and you looked very exhausted, and just plonked yourself in a corner as you watched her teaching. I thought you must be quite intimidating, coz the poor lass looked very nervous.... My next encounter was when YOU replaced that class on thursday lunchtime, and that's when I thought, WOW, now that's a great instructor. I mentioned this to my Favourite Combat Instructor, and he said, "huh? JACQ? OF COURSE LAH, SHE'S THE MASTER INSTRUCTOR. SHE'S GREAT. AND PRETTY TOO". But somehow our paths never did quite cross, as your classes were usually at the tai tai slots. Actually, why WAS that? Why did you deprive the minions from the pleasure of your classes, at prime times? I guess its coz you wanted the other instructors to get the full exposure.

I was very touched when you left a comment on blog enquiring after my little girl, who was hospitalised. Thank you for that. And thanks for stoking the fires of interest in GX classes, which actually might have been waning after a year or so. You have a great team of instructors, and you can be justifiably proud of them.

Well, I understand you'll be back every now and then, so it's not really good bye as such, but rather, see you later. You take care, GW, and remember you'll always have friends here in Malaysia.


Alexander Lee said…
(needs a carton of Kleenex now)

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