2nd Last Day of Cock Year

Midlife crisis.....definitely. One late night, and it takes like forever to recover. One late night with the wrong mix of alcohol, aiyoooooooooooooo.....

Anyway, felt like a zombie most of yesterday. Dragged myself to body step during lunch, (this is where the instructor makes a difference in tipping the scales of indecision....had it been anyone other than FSI, I probably wouldn't have gone), and arrived just in time. FSI's lunch time class is getting more packed, I guess as his reputation spreads amongst the tai tais. Yesterday, there was almost no space left. Far be it for me to complain about my fellow workouters, but some people's EQ are so low; surely if you see you have like 20 feet of empty space infront of you, and someone is trying to slot themselves behind you, at least have the cow sense to move up a bit. Anyway, fortunately FSI told the class to "space out a bit" which got them tai tai asses moving.

[Updated in response to comment from HL, as to why couldn't I move up to the 20 ft of empty space instead of fitting myself into tight spot, chay, of course if I can be nearer to FSI, why not right.......but I cant because then I'll be on the same row as the instructor and therefore cannot see him unless I'm craning my neck left all the time....see diagram]

Mainly old tracks, (since I am new at this, anything not from the last two releases by vireture of me not knowing them, is probably from older releases), with one that was exceedingly fun. Gimme Gimme Gimme a Man After Midnight....by Abba....great song, (showing my age here) and great choreo. Not as many squats this time, but enough for FSI to allude to the fact that at least he was facing the door when squatting. Some guy at the back laughed, so I presume he must have read Shades interview of GW. And for the first time, FSI actually made a minor error....so he is human after all....!!! Plonk. Down from the pedestal he tumbles. Poor guy is actually suffering a muscle tear in his lower back. If you are reading this FSI, here's wishing you a speedy recovery, and do be careful, as those injuries are recurring. Wait till you hit 35 and above...... injuries come so much easier, and heal so much slower.

Well, I don't think I will be updating until we cross into the Year of the Bitch, but lets hope it's not a bitch of a year, (actually, how did the term female dog become so derogatory? you don't hear people going, you tigress.....or you peahen), so until then,

GONG XI FA CAI, and MAY THE YEAR OF THE DOG BE A HEALTHY, JOYOUS, BLESSED AND PROSPEROUS (not only materially, but in the pursuit of things and people we love) YEAR.


Anonymous said…
Gong Xi Fat Cai to you and the family too. Stay away from the drinks.
fatboybakes said…
oh dear, lest i give u the impression that i am a constant pisspot, .... i'm not. (but i guess by church ppl standards i'm like way up there with sue ellen ewing. who? JR's drunken wife in DALLAS). anyway, what is CNY without booze and gambling!!!!
Anonymous said…
Do you show the same kind of concern for all your favourite instructors?
fatboybakes said…
yhsmom, of course mah...why? even for my non favourites i would show some kind of vague concern ma....wouldnt you?
Anonymous said…
"surely if you see you have like 20 feet of empty space infront of you, and someone is trying to slot themselves behind you, at least have the cow sense to move up a bit."

how about...

"surely if you see 20 feet of empty space, at least have the cow sense to occupy that 20 feet of space instead of trying to slot yourself into a tight spot?"


Gong Xi Fa Cai! (I'm from JB, hence the mandarin)
fatboybakes said…
yes, i did expect someone to say that, but no, it doesnt work that way, coz then you'll be on the same row as the instructor, in which case, unless you're a super regular old timer who can do the tracks with your eyes shut, OR, have cross eye vision, it becomes very difficult. maybe i'll paste a diagram up showing what i mean.
(i guess 20 feet was an exaggeration lah...)
PickYin said…
out of utter curiosity, who is your FSI? :D
Anonymous said…
haha, GREAT diagram, explains EVERYTHING :)))))
fatboybakes said…
hi pick yin, FSI (favourite step instructor)...err...dowan to make it so obvious by putting his NAME here lah.... but he teaches regularly at MJH, both body step and free step. i think he is the most frequent instructor there.
fatboybakes said…
hl, you're welcome.
Anonymous said…
Nope. I am very loyal one lah. I only show concern towards my favourites! My non favourites can look after themselves! Anyway I am sure their own little band of "fans" who will dote on them so no need for me.

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