10,000th visitor, PLEASE EMAIL ME

Hallo, yar, it suddenly came to my attention that I am hitting the 10,000th mark on the site counter. If you are the 10,000th "customer", please email me, and claim your reward. No cheating now.


Anonymous said…
Hey I am 10,024!
boo_licious said…
wow! congrats on hitting 10k! Better celebrate by making cake.
Anonymous said…
ccrrappp!! i was the the 9998th visitor....didn;t know about the offer earlierr..if not i wud have refreshed 2 more times to be the 10000th...*greedy* muahhhahaha
fatboybakes said…
wah, such a nice number, 9998. err, do i know ya?
Anonymous said…
sorry for being overly enthusiastic here.... i might be ur 10000th visitor who just came and left and didn't notice a single thing coz I just remembered that I actually read ur archives yesterday (for a few past months one actually)...though i am very curious why i didn;t read the the post in red. but then again, i am not sure about being the 10000th one, but i am definitely sure about the 9998 one...lol...btw, dun get me wrong ar (coz i sound so greedy like that)...hehehhe...but i just noted this coz i am just as curious as u are...:P
Anonymous said…
no no...i don't think you me...:>
fatboybakes said…
pei, thank you for your enthusiasm, and for it, may i present you with a piece of virtual cake. (just imagine you're eating it la). ;)
P's said…
*munch* *munch* *munch*

not bad!! :P...hehehe..thanks!

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