Raw Power In Motion Yet Again

Since my elbow is killing me, couldn't do any class that involves any significant amount of arm work, so I opted for my LEAST favourite group X class, RPM. It's sheer torture, very little pleasure, in fact, non at all, except the feeling of triumph at the end of it. And for some reason, my seat wasn't locked in properly. Its so exasperating, coz once your shoes are locked into the pedal, it's so mah fan to unleash the darn thing, and get off the bike. Sweat was in my eyes, so I couldn't see where I was going, fortunately the bike's stationary, if not I'd probably have hit a dog and injured myself. Forgot the water bottle, so had to rehydrate by licking off the sweat off the face. (kidding la). Oh, instructor very cool. Herny. Heard her name many times. She reminds me of someone. Can't think who at the moment.

Had lunch with young lawyer at Chef and Brew. It's in that new building in Plaza Damansara. Food not bad, reasonably priced too. Wasn't intending to eat there, had packed lunch, but had some business to attend to.

Nothing very exciting. Wedding anniversary. Had to assist at home as mother was hosting her BEC group. Prepared Eve's pudding, the one with apples at the bottom and sponge on top. LUCKILY got custard sauce, a tad to dry to me.


boo_licious said…
I always drive past Chef & Brew and wonder what the place is like since it occupies that huge space. Glad to know something in Dsara Heights is not expensive. What kind of food do they serve there?
fatboybakes said…
boo, its operated by same owners as victoria station, which by itself, should have triggered alarm bells, and an instinctive reflex to stay away. but to their credit, they have not followed the folly of VS, and the whole ambience is quite nice. food wise, they have a hodge podge of sandwiches, western, asian, which seems to be the trend these days. you can get mee goreng virtually in any western restaurant!!! (ok la, i exaggerate)
Alexander Lee said…
Hmmmmmmmmm........ looks like someone may very soon be a RPM-er for real eh?

Still haven't met you.. This is SO UNFAIR!!!

Even yhsmom knows you.. Bah...

Oh by the way, keep an eye out for yhsmom, she's got some new Body Jam clothing :)
fatboybakes said…
alexander lee, yo man, noticed you disappeared off the blogosphere. how you, how's the new job? nice to hear from you. yar, yhsmom seems to be in new outfit every class.
Anonymous said…
I am still waiting for the day when FB joins BJ!
fatboybakes said…
hmm, about as likely to happen as the queen farting in public....
(as in queen elizabeth).

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