August & September

ANNOUNCEMENT: Fatboybakes Will Be Away From 21st September to 1st October. Any inconvenience is much regretted.

Contact No: 012-3240988

Brief intro:
Fatboybakes is doing this as a hobby. He is a Civil Engineer, albeit a non practising one, and baking, he finds, much like mixing concrete, is therapeutic. And no, there is no physical shop/bakery either. It's all here, in this wonderfully virtual world.

He is also a Realtor by day, so if you are looking for a House to go with that cake, do let him know .

Due to possible miscommunication, there have been instances when people who ordered did not pick up the cake. Therefore, please ensure that you sms your order and receive reply confirmation that your order has been received.

For Food Reviews and Tried and Tested Recipes, go to my other blog
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too.


(Picture Courtesy of Boolicious of Masak Masak)

(Picture Courtesy of Nic Lee of Hairy Berry Tales)

Spencer's Four Seasons Cake, or 4 Seasons for Short. Named after good friend, Spencer, on the occasion of his 3Xth birthday, and in partial drunken stupor at a Karaoke. Chocolatey with four different layers, with the option of alcohol.
RM70 for Virgin Spencer, RM75 for Boozey Spencer. Approx 1.3kg.


Inspired by one of my favourite ice cream flavours, Inspired by one of my favourite ice cream flavours, I figured you can't possibly go wrong with a Rum & Raising Cheesecake. The only question was, to make it baked, or chilled. I believe that both versions would be delicious. RM70 for Baked Rum & Raisin Cheese Cake, RM65 for Chilled Rum & Raisin Cheese Cake.


(Picture courtesy of Lyrical Lemongrass)

Also known as Tim's Red Velvet, this recently popularized cake contains the earthy flavours of beetroot, the stark bitterness of cocoa, and the decadence of cream cheese, making it a rather unique combination. It is a pretty heavy cake, weight wise, approximately 1.55kg.

RM75 for Red Velvet

Chilled Durian cheesecake, a best seller by far. Obviously you would need to be a fan of the King of Fruits to be able to appreciate it, so non-durian fans, stay away. The aroma is likely to linger in your car as well, so if going long distance, it might be a challenge.
RM65 subject to availability of durian


A rich buttery cake, with real durian pulp, not essence, in the cake, littered with crunchy poppy seed. Great for those who like "real cake" kinda cakes, as opposed to moussey creamy cakes. Comes with a 250gm tub of durian cream, (pureed durian with fresh whipping cream).
RM70, subject to availability of durian.


Why "Dad's"? Well, it's always Mum's this and Mum's that when it comes to food right?! Oh, my mum's chocolate cake, or my mum's carrot cake.....WELL, it's high time DAD'S GOT THEIR RECOGNITION!!! Hence, DAD'S BAKED MARS BAR CAKE.

A rich baked cheese cakes, with Mars Bars incorporated into the cake. The savouriness of the cheese combats the usual sickly sweetness of the Mars Bar, giving it a perfect blend of salty, sweet, chocolatey, all in one mouthful. Yes, it's one of those from the lip to the hip kinda cake.

RM65 for Dad's Mars Bar Cheesecake

PS- Not to be confused with the Chilled Mars Bar Cheesecake, which has been around for ages. (That one is RM60)

(Picture courtesy of A Whiff of Lemongrass)

A variety of Chocolate Mousse Cakes;
Chocolate Biscuit Based, either Dark Chocolate (RM60), Mint Chocolate (RM60), Jaffa (RM60), Brandy Chocolate (RM65).
Warning: Contains Raw Eggs

Pavlovas: Meringue, crispy on the outside, marshmallowy on the inside, sweetness neutralized somewhat by pure fresh cream. Depending on fruit topping, price ranges from RM65 for plain Strawberry Pavlova. The one pictured above has blueberries and physalis, and costs RM70.

Okay, so the Pear & Ginger is a "plagiarism" of the ones in the market, but hey, after awhile, there are only so many variations of cake that seem popular. This version, tweaked, with far less sugar, and added crytallised ginger, is RM60, and really MUST be served with pure cream or ice cream.


Now more popularly served with caramelised nuts topping, (but you can opt for the less sweet toasted almonds and cocoa powder alternative), this universal favourite of mascarpone cheese in between coffee chiffon cake, yummm. However, warning, the ingredients are all fresh, like fresh cream etc, so it melts very easily. If you cannot get it to a fridge within 1/2 an hour, you better tell me, so that some gelatine might have to be added.
RM75 with brandy, RM70 without.

Have omitted raw egg yolks from the recipe.


(Picture Courtesy of Boolicious of Masak Masak)

Scones, light and crumbly, married with clotted cream and thick conserve, washed down with a cup of tea. Perfect.
RM50 for 16. (excludes pure cream and jam, but can be supplied at cost)

Lemon Meringue Pie

Tarty Lemon Curd Engulfed by Fluffy Sweet Meringue. Buttery pastry crust.

(Picture courtesy of Lyrical Lemongrass)

Banana Walnut Cake With Cream Cheese Topping. A fairly healthy cake, as there is no butter, very few eggs, and uses healthy sunflower oil. Very moist, and nutty. And I personally love cream cheese topping. You can opt for a flavoured cream cheese topping. RM55 without topping, RM60 with. (Contains walnut, raisins and banana)

(Picture courtesy of Lyrical Lemongrass)

BRANDY TRUFFLE CAKE - No flour, so suitable for gluten intolerant, but not suitable if you cannot take egg. Very rich, contains about 600gms of chocolate alone. RM65 with brandy. Or if you cant take alcohol, then its RM60 for the virgin version.

Orange Poppy Seed, or Lemon Poppy Seed as well. A buttery cake, perfect for tea time, or as a snack. Cream Cheese Topping is optional.
RM55 for plain, RM60 with topping

(Picture courtesy of Boolicious of Masak Masak)
Doused with rum, raisins soaked until plump with alcohol, in a custardy filling, encased with shortcrust pastry shell base. RM65 (sorry, no non alcoholic versions, unless you want "rum essence"....which is as bad as fake cream)

(Picture courtesy of Lyrical Lemongrass)
QUICHE - Various fillings, can opt for chicken, beef bacon, mushroom tuna, spinach etc etc. Average cost about RM 60.


CHILLED MARS BAR CHEESECAKE - A treat for those who love the mars bar. We have tried not to make it overly sweet though, and bulk of the sweetness comes from the Mars Bars themselves. RM60


Clockwise, from Left Top :

Chocolate Oreo Cake - Chocolate sponge with a layer of crushed oreo (one whole pack), rich chocolate cream. Very universal, and easy pleaser. RM60

Chocolate Mud Cake - A dense chocolate cake that goes straight to the hips. Should be accompanied with sour cherries, and fresh cream to counter the richness that is chocolate. RM60. Optional - Brandy (add RM10)

Chocolate Jaffa Tart - A hint of orange, literally half baked. Lower half of chocolate layer is baked, upper layer is a rich ganache flavoured with orange rind. RM60

Flourless Chocolate Cakes With Molten Centres - Alas, the lava does not stay molten forever. You need to zap cooled cakes for about 20-30 seconds to re-melt the centres. Minimum order, 10. RM5 per piece.

Orange Mocha Chocolate Brownie - Very safe, so far no complaints by eaters. Goes superbly with vanilla ice cream, or dollop of fresh cream. Not a very high cake, so it might look small, but guaranteed to fill you up. RM55


Mascarporne, cream cheese, cheddars, you don't have to be a mouse to enjoy cheese.

Clockwise from Left Top: Baked Orange, Baked coffee, Chilled Orange, Tiramisu

Baked Orange/Lemon Cheese Cake - RM60, for approx 1.3kg cake.

Chilled Cheesecakes - Lemon/Orange. It's unfathomable how cheesecake eaters are divided into two camps, ie, baked OR chilled, and never the twain shall meet. RM55.


Bananas, (not in pajamas), dates, raisins, walnuts, almonds, poppy seeds, durian, oranges, carrots, lemon, in a marriage with flour, eggs, sugar and cream, in some cases.....

Clockwise from Left Top: Sour Cream Walnut Coffee, Sticky Date, Orange Poppy Seed, Carrot Cake

Sour Cream Walnut - A moist buttery cake, made even more moist with the addition of sour cream. A layer of walnut crumble, with cinnamon, is in the middle and on top of the cake giving a nice crunchy contrast to the rich butter cake. RM60.

Old Fashioned Carrot Cake - Very healthy, sunflower oil, walnuts, carrots, raisins (or prunes, up to you) little bit of sugar, in fact, it could pass off as a vegetable dish. RM55 naked, (+RM5 for cream cheese frosting).


Nothing like a good old pie, with buttery puff pastry casing, or a sweet pie with buttery shortcrust bases, to embellish a meal.

Clockwise From Top Left

GOOD OLD APPLE PIE - Contains at least 8 medium sized granny smiths, cooked from scratch. You can opt for a tangy version, with lemon peel, OR the usual sweet version with raisins. RM60. Best served with cream and/or ice cream, vanilla of course.

LEMON /LIME TART - What's the difference? Lime is a bit more bitterish, and actually, cost more, despite it being a local fruit. In terms of price per kg, lime yields far less juice than lemons. For the sour lovers, this is the one. RM60

CHICKEN & MUSHROOM PIE - 1 whole Chicken, mushroom, coriander and whatever tickles your fancy. Puff pastry casing, of course. RM65 for one 8 inch diameter pie, in disposable pie plate.

QUICHES - A quiche is just a quiche, a smile is just a smile. Filling, your choice, priced accordingly. Smoked salmon does cost more than smoked chicken. From RM60.....

LEAD TIME : 2 days minimum
PICK UP : Bangsar/ Damansara Heights
CONTACT :, or 012-3240988


verybery said…
Gosh! Your cakes make me feel hungry at this time :)

Wow! will try your cake soon! :)
Cindy Wong said…
cool blog.

do you do shepherd's pie? chicken and not beef...
Cindy Wong said…
btw, got to know of your blog, through Carolynn. she was raving about your Durian cake!
BN said…
Alamak..just got to know abt your's superlicious...wish I had known tis earlier :((( Sigh...
fatboybakes said…
Barisan National, why the sigh? why is it too late?

Cindy, haha, yes, Carol is a dear friend (hangon, which Carolyn? ). err, alas, i dont do shepherd's pie, as i myself am not a real fan.

very bery, thanks.
Cindy Wong said…
Carolynn who bought 2 durian cakes from you...and she mentioned that she loves your cakes.

she just opened a makan place in Bangsar...err...hope i have dropped enough hints on which Carol. dont do shepherd's pie. thought i have at last found someone who does...
Unknown said…
i saw d cake pic tht u did for ur fren's bday at Delicious. Do u sell it? wat's d cake name?
fatboybakes said…
hi sab, there were two cakes for the birthday at delicious. one was a spencer four seasons, the other was a pavlova. yes, of course its for sale. can be found in the blog menu. thanks.

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