More Songs Associated With People

My fave pump instructor (I know this sounds really kiss ass....but aiyo, there arent many to choose from, heh heh), pointed me to the site which lists all the les mills songs used in the exercises.

It's quite an invaluable site to me, coz as I said, once a tune is stuck in my head, it gets really annoying, and worse still if I don't know what the title is. At least if the earworm is identifiable, I can play it till I'm sick of it.

Cont'd..Songs I associate with Group Exercise Instructors & friends

Shake Ya Shimmy (and that ass buster song) - Lil Alvin
Sexy, Bohemian Rhapsody - Wai Hoong
Vedi, Maria by Emma Shaplin - Lisa Jones
Tarakihi by Kiri Tekanawa - Ben Sim
My Grandfather's Clock - THL (but previously, my 1st son)
Pang Yao by Alan Tam - Marvin
Mencintaimu - Kris Dayanti - Jasper (first time I ever attended a pot party)
On My Own from Les Miserables - Jacqueline Lee
Tell Me on A Sunday Please - Rev Dr TSI

I'm sure its a matter of time before a song is associated with fave pump instructor.


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