[FOR GYM RELATED POSTS please visit me at fatboybakesatgym to read about my flailing gym life] [UPDATE : For the sake of posterity, and for some really outstandingly blogworthy events, I've set up fatboybakeslimitedition . Sorry, it's a perverse addiction from which there is no escape!!! Argh, cursed is this blog thing] Hey guys, the blog is 9 months the gestation period is over. This is officially my last entry for this blog. Will leave it on for awhile for posterity sake, but there will be no further entries, and I think I'll eventually get around to removing it from cyberspace, once I've saved everything. Thanks for reading, and to those friends who have been relying on this media to keep in touch, well, we'll just resort to emails like the good old days. For now the recipe blog is also remain. SOOOOO LONNNNNNNGGGGGGGG EVERYONE, ADIOS!!!!!