2nd Last Day of Cock Year
Midlife crisis.....definitely. One late night, and it takes like forever to recover. One late night with the wrong mix of alcohol, aiyoooooooooooooo..... Anyway, felt like a zombie most of yesterday. Dragged myself to body step during lunch, (this is where the instructor makes a difference in tipping the scales of indecision....had it been anyone other than FSI, I probably wouldn't have gone), and arrived just in time. FSI's lunch time class is getting more packed, I guess as his reputation spreads amongst the tai tais. Yesterday, there was almost no space left. Far be it for me to complain about my fellow workouters, but some people's EQ are so low; surely if you see you have like 20 feet of empty space infront of you, and someone is trying to slot themselves behind you, at least have the cow sense to move up a bit. Anyway, fortunately FSI told the class to "space out a bit" which got them tai tai asses moving. [ Updated in response to comment from HL, as to why ...